When I was about 15 weeks pregnant the doctor started to find some things that she wanted to monitor. I wasn't concerned and knew God was in control. After a couple more weeks she said my platelet level was dropping, and then I started to have contractions. I went to the hospital several times so they could monitor the baby and I. Each time they would say things looked good with the baby so I would go home. Things are continuing to stay the same and I'm still on bed rest. The doctor said out of all the patients she sees about half of them have contractions their whole pregnancy with out going into pre-term labor. The other half end up going into pre-term labor so that is why the doctor wants me to stay on bed rest.
I'm so thankful to be in Sugar Land where we have so many wonderful doctors close by. I know God is in control and watching over both my sweet baby boy and me. knowing this helps me to not be stressed and trust that God's timing is perfect, and he will keep that sweet baby until it's time. When I do start to let me mind wander I have to stop and hold each thought captive. I know God does not want me to worry, but instead give it to Him. I can not change a thing by worrying so why worry!
When I first started bed rest I was very restless, and didn't know how I could do this. After a while I started to find things to keep me busy and occupied so I wouldn't think about my situation as much. The main thing I was concerned about was taking care of my family. God answered that prayer and my husband has stepped in with out complaining to the role of mom as well. My parents, brother, friends, and people from my church have been a huge help as well. God has really strengthened my faith through this time. I know God can use a difficult situation to turn it into a wonderful learning experience, and He has already done that! I know God will continue to be with my sweet baby boy and I look forward to holding him in God's perfect timing! For now, I will continue resting and trusting in the Creator of all things!