Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hi Everyone,

I hope all of you are having a great weekend! It's been quite a while since I updated my blog. Things have been very busy, but I can't complain.

I have been very blessed to have the opportunity to sub at FBBA alot lately. Also, Alex's parents have been in town and we have enjoyed getting to spend lots of time with them. Weston's YaYa and Cookie ,Alex's mom and my mom, have helped us out alot while I have been subbing. I'm so glad Weston has had wonderful bonding time with his Yaya and Papa G.

Weston is so excited about his two new friends! Our dear friends Liz and Josh just had a precious baby boy named Cade Maddox Meeh. I will be visiting them soon and post a picture of him. Our very good friends Nicole and Gavin just had a precious baby boy named Dalton Cohen Papit. They live in California, but we will post a picture of him soon. We continue to pray for these two sweet families and their beautiful baby boys.